Charleston Sign & Banner Offers Tips to Create Eye-Catching Outdoor Business Signs

Your business signage is often the first thing that potential customers will see when they are considering using your products or services. You want to make sure that it’s appealing and eye-catching so that they’ll want to stop and learn more about what you have to offer.

Here are some tips to create outdoor signage that will grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

Choose An Easy-to-Read Font

The font you use for your sign is important. You want to choose something that is easy to read from a distance. Sans serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica are typically a good choice since they are simple and legible. Avoid using decorative or script fonts as they can be difficult to read, especially from far away.

Stay away from scripts and handwriting fonts. You want your name easily read. This is a common mistake we see with outdoor business signs. The company name is written in a pretty font, but it’s hard to make out what it says unless you’re close up.

Text Size

In addition to choosing the right font, you also want to make sure that the text is the right size. As a general rule of thumb, the larger the better. The text should be big enough that your outdoor business signs can easily be read from a distance of at least 20 feet. The font must be large enough to see while walking or driving by; not everyone has 20/20 vision.

The larger you make it, the easier it is to read. Keep this in mind when deciding how big to make your text.

Contrasting Colors

Choosing the right colors for your sign is important as well. You want to use colors that contrast well so that your sign is easy to read. Black text on a white background is always a good choice since it provides high contrast. You can also use other combinations like a dark blue on a light yellow background or green on brown. Be sure that the colors you choose provide enough contrast so that your sign can easily be read.

Opting for bold colors can also help your sign stand out. However, you want to be careful not to use too many colors as that can make your sign appear busy and cluttered. Stick to two or three colors at the most. Red is known as an attention-getting color, so it’s often used on business signage. Neon colors tend to attract teenagers, so if your target market is this demographic, then by all means use neon colors.


If your sign is going to be placed in an area that isn’t well-lit, then you may want to consider adding lighting to make it more visible. Spotlights are a good option as they can be aimed directly at your sign to make it easier to see. You can also use timers to automatically turn your lit signs on and off. Your sign should be lit well enough so that it can be easily seen, even at night.

Minimize the Word Count in Your Sign

When creating your sign, less is definitely more when it comes to the word count. You want to include only the most important information so that your sign is concise and easy to understand. Get straight to the point and avoid including any unnecessary words or fluff.


If your business has a logo, make sure to include it on your sign! This will help potential customers easily identify your business and remember it in the future. Including an image along with your text can also help grab attention and make your sign more eye-catching. The image you choose needs to be high-quality and relevant to your business or product.

Use High-Quality Materials

The materials you use for your sign are also important. You want to make sure that you use high-quality materials that will withstand the elements and last for years. There are many good choices of materials, from plastics to metals,  that are durable and weather resistant.

Whatever material you choose, just make sure that it’s strong and will last a long time. Your sign is a long-term investment in your business.


Creating outdoor signage for your business doesn’t have to be difficult. Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be on your way to designing an eye-catching sign that will help attract customers and boost sales. Most people will find it easier to hire a company like Charleston Sign & Banner to create and install their outdoor business signs.

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